CoS – Chp 14: Dumbledore is Suspended

What to find: Item to collect : Dried Billywig stings.
Guidance: Zoom out once –> click the jar sitting in the grass by the left corner of the house to the right.

What to find: Item to collect : Flesh-eating Slug repellent.
Guidance: Click the atomiser sitting in the window to the left.

What to find: Item to collect : Dried Nettles.
Guidance: Zoom out once more –> click the plant hanging from the roof by the corner of the house.

What to find: Item to collect : Infusion of Wormwood.
Guidance: Click the plant lying on top of the barrel by the corner of the house.

What to find: Item to collect : Key.
Guidance: Click the key lying on the floor in the doorway.
Tip: Move the cursor from below and up – not from the side and in – that way the door doesn’t slam close before you reach it.

Fill the Discovery Bar: All effects hidden in this moment are marked with a Golden Snitch like the one above.

(Click on an image to enlarge.)
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