PS – Chp 8: Hagrid’s Wooden House

What to find: Item to collect : Wolfsbane.
Guidance: Click the small plant in the grass to the left of the barrel.

What to find: Item to collect : Chocolate Frog Card: Paracelsus.
Guidance: Click the Chocolate Frog Card sitting behind the barrel.

What to find: Item to collect : Dried Nettles.
Guidance: Click the plant hanging from the corner of the house.

What to find: Item to collect : Dried Billywig stings.
Guidance: Click the flask on the right windowsill.

What to find: Item to collect : Rock cake.
Guidance: Zoom in once –> click the cake on the shelf inside the house.

What to find: Closer look at : Daily Prophet clipping.
Guidance: Click the paper on the table inside the house.

Fill the Discovery Bar: All effects hidden in this moment are marked with a Golden Snitch like the one above.

(Click on the image to enlarge.)