Tip #1: To safe valuable time : Either write the instruction for the potion you’re about to brew down on a piece of paper next to you, or keep the instruction on this site open in a second browser next to the window where you’re brewing. This way you can save a lot of the limit time you have to finish a potion.
Or, simply memorize the instruction momentarily to save time.
– You have to do everything in the order of the instructions, otherwise you'll fail.
Tip #2: Reappearing ingredients : Most ingredients for potions can be gained by collecting them throughout the books. If you run out of stock of these ingredients, you can go back to the moment in the books where you originally found them and collect it again. However, some are only available in Diagon Alley, so you’ll have to spend some of your money to purchase it. (On the upside, you get a lot more of the ingredients when buying them.)
Ingredients only available in Diagon Alley are :
- Bundimun (used in Doxycide Part 1)
- Cowbane Essence (used in Doxycide Part 2 & Shrinking Solution Part 2)
- Daisy Roots (used in Shrinking Solution Part 1)
- Hairy Caterpillars (used in Shrinking Solution Part 1)
- Hemlock Essence (used in Doxycide Part 2)
- Jobberknoll Feather.
- Rat Spleens (used in Shrinking Solution Part 2)
- Streelers (used in Doxycide Part 1)
- Unicorn horn (used in Antidote to Common Poisons).
Tip #3: Adding ingredients from bottles and flasks : It can be a bit tricky to add ingredients from bottles. The trick is to click on the bottle at the top of its neck, and then lean the body against the mortar or cauldron’s edge as you pour.
And don't worry about not placing them properly back on the table. As long as they just drop more ingredients onto the table, it doesn't matter.
Tip #4: The counter : When you add ingredients or stir the cauldron, be absolutely sure that the counter equals what the instructions says before moving on. Sometimes it’s a bit slow and if you continue before the counter got the right amount, it will count as a failed attempt and you’ll need to start over.
Tip #5: Control the burner : When heating your potion you constantly have to turn the burner on and off to stay inside the marked range. You turn the burner on with the RED button, then click the ORANGE button as you reach the marked range to slow down the heating process. When you reach the top of the marked range click the BLUE button to stop the heating. Click the ORANGE button again if you need the potion to brew longer in order to stay inside the marked range, and so on.
– Remember to turn the burner off when the countdown is finish!
Tip #6: Your wand : Can’t find your wand? It is lying by the edge of the table to the right. When waving it, simply pick it up and as soon as the “lightning” springs from it, the spell have been cast and you can let it go.
Tip #7: Returning to brewing potions : Between step 1 and 2, potions takes different amount of time to brew from potion to potion and depending on which cauldron you are brewing it in. A guideline is that you’ll have half the amount of time to return and finish a potion that it takes to brew it.
E.g. a potion with 30 minutes brewing time, you can return to for 15 minutes after it's finished brewing. If you don’t return in that time period; you’ll have failed.
– You might benefit from an alarm set to remind you of when to return and finish.
Tip #8: Difficulty : The higher points you gain from brewing a potion, the harder it is to brew. The Polyjuice Potion is an exception.

Notice: Standard ingredient : Some potion recipes include a standard ingredient. Pottermore automatically provides this, and it's therefore not something you have to worry about collecting. You will find it in a brown pouch amongst the other ingredients on the table.
Good luck brewing!
Potion Instructions:
Polyjuice Potion (Part 1) – House points: 0
Book: Moste Potente Potions
Step 1:
- 3x Fluxweed (farthest to the right) —> cauldron.
- 2x Knotgrass —> cauldron.
- 3x stirs clockwise.
- Wave your wand.
Brew. (80 minutes in pewter cauldron – 68 minutes in brass cauldron – 60 minutes in copper cauldron)
Step 2:
- 4x Leeches —> cauldron.
- 2x Lacewing flies —> mortar
- Crush.
- 2x crushed Lacewing flies —> cauldron
- Heat.
- Wave your wand.
Polyjuice Potion (Part 2) – House points: 0
Book: Moste Potente Potions
Step 1:
- 3x Boomslang skin —> cauldron
- 1x Bicorn horn (white powder) —> mortar
- Crush.
- 1x crushed Bicorn horn —> cauldron
- Heat.
- Wave your wand.
Brew. (1440 minutes in pewter cauldron – 1224 minutes in brass cauldron – 1080 minutes in copper cauldron)
Step 2:
- 1x Lacewing flies —> cauldron
- 3x stirs anti-clockwise
- 1x Slytherin student’s hair —> cauldron
- Wave your wand.
Cure for Boils – House points: 3
Book: Magical Drafts and Potions
Step 1:
- 6x Snake fangs —> mortar.
- Crush.
- 4x crushed fangs —> cauldron.
- Heat.
- Wave your wand.
Brew. (45 minutes in pewter cauldron – 39 minutes in brass cauldron – 33 minutes in copper cauldron)
Step 2:
- 4x Horned Slugs —> cauldron.
- 2x Porcupine quills —> cauldron.
- 5x stirs clockwise.
- Wave your wand.
Antidote to Common Poisons – House points: 7
Book: Magical Drafts and Potions
Step 1:
- 1x Bezoar —> mortar.
- Crush.
- 4x crushed Bezoar —> cauldron.
- 2x Standard ingredient (in bag) —> cauldron.
- Heat.
- Wave your wand.
Brew. (40 minutes in pewter cauldron – 34 minutes in brass cauldron – 30 minutes in copper cauldron)
Step 2:
- 1x Unicorn horn —> cauldron.
- 2x stir clockwise.
- 2x Mistletoe berries —> cauldron.
- 2x stirs anti-clockwise.
- Wave your wand.
Swelling Solution – House points: 7
Book: Magical Drafts and Potions
Step 1:
- 2x Dried Nettles —> mortar
- 3x Pufferfish eyes —> mortar
- Crush.
- 2x crushed mixture —> cauldron
- Heat.
- Wave your wand.
Brew. (60 minutes in pewter cauldron – 51 minutes in brass cauldron – 45 minutes in copper cauldron)
Step 2:
- 1x Bat spleen —> cauldron
- 4x stirs anti-clockwise
- Heat.
- Wave your wand.
Shrinking Solution Part 1 – House points: 8 (when both part 1 & part 2 have been brewed)
Book: Book of Potions
Step 1:
- 2x Shrivelfigs —> mortar.
- Crush.
- 5x crushed mixture —> cauldron.
- 6x stir clockwise.
- Heat.
- 4x Daisy roots —> cauldron.
- 5x Hairy caterpillars —> mortar.
- Crush.
- 5x crushed mixture —> cauldron.
- Wave your wand.
Brew. (120 minutes in pewter cauldron – 102 minutes in brass cauldron – 90 minutes in copper cauldron)
Step 2:
- Wave your wand.
Shrinking Solution 2 – House points: 8 (when both part 1 & part 2 have been brewed)
Book: Book of Potions
Step 1:
- 3x Infusion of Wormwood —> cauldron.
- 10x stir clockwise.
- 4x Leeches —> mortar.
- Crush.
- 3x crushed mixture —> cauldron.
- 6x stir anti-clockwise.
- 1x Rat spleen —> mortar.
- Crush.
- 2x crushed mixture —> cauldron.
- 3x Cowbane essence —> cauldron.
- 5x stir clockwise.
- Heat.
- Wave your wand.
Brew. (4 minutes in pewter cauldron – 3 minutes in brass cauldron – 3 minutes in copper cauldron)
Step 2:
- Wave your wand.
Doxycide Part 1 – House points: 9 (when both part 1 & part 2 have been brewed)
Book: Book of Potions
Step 1:
- 5x Bundimun —> mortar.
- Crush.
- 3x crushed mixture —> cauldron.
- 3x Streelers —> mortar.
- Crush.
- 2x crushed mixture —> cauldron.
- 5x stir clockwise.
- Heat.
- 1x Dragon liver —> cauldron.
- 10x stir anti-clockwise.
- Wave your wand.
Brew. (3 minutes in pewter cauldron – 2 minutes in brass cauldron – 2 minutes in copper cauldron)
Step 2:
- Wave your wand.
Doxycide Part 2 – House points: 9 (when both part 1 & part 2 have been brewed)
Book: Book of Potions
Step 1:
- 3x Hemlock essence —> cauldron.
- 4x stir clockwise.
- 5x Cowbane essence —> cauldron.
- 3x Tormentil tincture —> cauldron.
- 9x stir anti-clockwise.
- Heat.
- Wave your wand.
Brew. (3 minutes in pewter cauldron – 2 minutes in brass cauldron – 2 minutes in copper cauldron)
Step 2:
- Wave your wand.
Forgetfulness Potion – House points: 9
Book: Magical Drafts and Potions
Step 1:
- 2x Lethe river water —> cauldron.
- Heat.
- 2x Valerian Sprigs —> cauldron.
- 3x stirs clockwise.
- Wave your wand.
Brew. (60 minutes in pewter cauldron – 51 minutes in brass cauldron – 45 minutes in copper cauldron)
Step 2:
- 2x Standard ingredient (in bag) —> mortar.
- 4x Mistletoe berries —> mortar.
- Crush.
- 2x crushed mixture —> cauldron.
- 5x stirs anti-clockwise.
- Wave your wand.
Herbicide – House points: 9
Book: Magical Drafts and Potions
Step 1:
- 4x Spines of Lionfish —> mortar.
- Crush.
- 2x Standard ingredient (in bag) —> mortar.
- Crush.
- 3x crushed mixture —> cauldron.
- Wave your wand.
Brew. (60 minutes in pewter cauldron – 51 minutes in brass cauldron – 45 minutes in copper cauldron)
Step 2:
- 2x Horklump Juice —> cauldron.
- Heat.
- 2x Flobberworm Mucus —> cauldron.
- 4x stirs clockwise.
- Wave your wand.
Wideye or Awakening Potion – House points: 9
Book: Magical Drafts and Potions
Step 1:
- 6x Snake fangs —> mortar
- 4x Standard ingredient (in bag) —> mortar.
- 6x Dried Billywig stings —> cauldron.
- Heat.
- Crush.
- 4x crushed ingredients —> cauldron.
- 3x stirs clockwise.
- Wave your wand.
Brew. (55 minutes in pewter cauldron – 47 minutes in brass cauldron – 41 minutes in copper cauldron)
Step 2:
- 2x Wolfsbane —> cauldron.
- 3x stirs anti-clockwise.
- Wave your wand.
Sleeping Draught – House points: 11
Book: Magical Drafts and Potions
Step 1:
- 4x Lavender —> mortar.
- 2x Standard ingredient (in bag) —> mortar.
- Crush.
- 2x Flobberworm Mucus —> cauldron.
- 2x Standard ingredient (in bag) —> cauldron.
- Heat.
- 3x crushed mixture —> cauldron.
- Wave your wand.
Brew. (70 minutes in pewter cauldron – 60 minutes in brass cauldron – 52 minutes in copper cauldron)
Step 2:
- 2x Standard ingredient (in bag) —> cauldron.
- Heat.
- 4x Valerian Sprigs —> cauldron.
- 7x stirs clockwise.
- Wave your wand.